Unit of Measurement

Unit of measurement is used to create different types of measurements to be used throughout the application, such as Celsius, inches, and ounces. Consistency and ease of use are achieved by creating these units of measurement.

Unit Multiplier

For those units that represent a quantity greater than one, the Unit Multiplier feature is provided which allows the actual quantity of items included in the unit to be entered, such as dozen or kilogram (kg). Each time the unit is used, the application calculates the number of units entered by the unit multiplier. For example, when entering information in a product exception, 2 Dozen is recorded as the number of products affected. The application displays 24 as the actual quantity affected.

User Rights

The following rights must be assigned to a user for that user to manage or view units of measurement:

Rights Description


Allows the administrator to add new objects, modify existing objects, or delete objects.


Allows the user to access and view objects.

NOTE: See Rights Groups for more information on assigning rights groups to users.

See also

Creating Units of Measurement

Product Lines




Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM